Born in 1950
in Grantham/Lincolnshire/England,
married to Monika Stimpson since 1983 ,
British and Austrian citizenship
Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, UK · Duisburg, Germany · Bochum, Germany · Hamburg, Germany · London, England, UK · Los Angeles, California, US · Meckenheim, Germany
1969 - 1975 Ruhr-University Bochum: law, journalism, artistic photography and dramatics,
1975 - 1981 University Hamburg: educational sciences, English language and literature and German language and literature,
1982 - 1984 Hamburg, teachers training for grammar school teachers,
1990 - 1994 University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA: PhD student at the German department.
Main fields of research:
CBT (computer based training),
development of interactive multimedia learning programs,
system thinking,
directing classes with Maximilian Schell, Max Kade Insitute, Los Angeles, CA, USA
1984 M.A. [Magister Artium, University Hamburg]
1994 Ph.D. [Doctor of Philosophy, University of Southern California]
1996 Dr.phil. [Doktor philosophiae, Nostrification, University of Salzburg]
1975 - 1976 social worker, Adventure Playground Poßmoorweg e.V., Hamburg
1975 - 1978 freelance advertising designer, stiwa-design, Hamburg
1976 - 1984 part-time teacher at technical secondary schools 1 and 5, Hamburg,
lecturer at Open University Hamburg,
Open University Pinneberg,
Christiani & Nielsen Ingenieurbau AG,
Martin Merkel GmbH & Co KG
1979 - 1984 freelance copywriter, PRS - Public Relations Service, Hamburg
1979 - 1983 police interpreter, court interpreter
1981 - 1982 full-time teacher for the professional and social integration of foreign workers, technical school Heinze, Hamburg
1982 - 1984 teachers training for grammar school teachers in Hamburg
1984 - 1990 grammar school teacher for English and German language and literature, German School London, UK.
Co-editor of the "Londoner Lesehefte" (London readers)
1988 promotion to senior teacher.
1988 - 1990 drug counsellor, safety inspector, chairman of the Teaching Council
1989 - 1990 scientific advisor to Usborne Publishing, London
1990 - 1994 teaching assistant for German language and literature, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
research assistant focussing on "computer aided, multimedia foreign language training",
developer of interactive teaching and learning software, e.g. Erich Kästner,
Österreich, Rainer Maria Rilke, Derrick
1995 freelance software developer and trainer in Los Angeles, USA, Linz, Austria and Bonn, Germany
1995 - 2016 teacher at the vocational college Rheinbach,
subjects: German, English and advertising
1997 - 2000 lecturer in further training of teachers, initiative "schools and internet"
1999 - 2016 webmaster of the school website, vocational college Rheinbach
2000 - 2005 lecturer in further training of teachers, "e-nitiative NRW"
2000 - 2016 senior teacher, subjects: audiovisual design and programming and layouting of interactive media,
2000 - 2004 webmaster of the Austrian Embassy's website, Bonn / Berlin
since 2000 freelance web designer, CEO gesti-design, Meckenheim
2003 member of the examine committee for the district council Köln, subject: English
2003 + 04 vice chairman of the college's steering committee, Rheinbach
2003 + 04 head of department
2004 - 2016 member of the examine committee for the district council Köln, subject: design and layout
2004 promotion to senior teacher
2006 - 2010 head teacher for English
2007 + 08 member of the competence team in further training of teachers, Rhein-Sieg
2008 - 2013 member of the PR team, vocational college Rheinbach
2009 - 2016 in further training of teachers Bonn, media advisor to the council of Bonn
2009 + 2010 member of the teacher council, vocational college Rheinbach
2014 - 2016 liaison officer to the student council, vocational college Rheinbach