Als Moderator der e-nitiative NRW arbeite ich insbesonders zu Fragen des unterrichtlichen Einsatzes Neuer Medien. Fachkonferenzen biete ich allein oder in Zusammenarbeit mit meinem Kollegen Joachim Kühne, bei dem Sie umfangreiches Material finden,z.Zt. folgende dreitägige Veranstaltungen an:
Teachers Training
A 3-Day-Course for Teachers of Foreign Languages
Lecturers: Joachim Kühne and
Gene O. Stimpson, Ph.D.


Type of School

Secondary Education

Kind of Course

New Media in Foreign Language Learning (Work­shop)

Aspects of the use of new media in foreign language learning

-multimedial content: text, picture, sound, video, voice recording
-current, authentic texts
-material, that cannot be found in school books
-real communication
-real intercultural learning
-higher student activity
-individualisation of content according to student’s ability
-choice of methods
-introduction of the real world into the classroom
-work in projects covering more than one subject
-new role for teacher

Topic 1 

The Internet and Useful Software Complement  your School Books

-find further informationen for your current lessons

-turn information into texts and pictures

-leave the course with a worksheet for your next lesson

Topic 2  

Student use the Internet during Lessons

-your students surf to relevant websites
-they analyse websites and condense texts and contents
-they design their own websites and/or presentation for their fellow students

Topic 3

The Internet Serves as Means of Communication in Foreign Language

-find a suitable partner overseas who is interested in co-working on project
-Nuse e-mails, chats, and newsgroups for your lessons
-prepare students’ exchanges
-document students’ exchanges live on the web
-get to know European programmes and international project management
-capitalize on tandem learning